#UnitedInCompassion #medicalcannabis #medicalmarijuana

There has been a HUGE behind-the-scenes push to educate politicians, medical professionals and the public about the possible treatment options available with medical cannabis.

I have had the pleasure of working with a scientist who is at the forefront of this campaign. He has so much knowledge to communicate and we have worked together to come up with ways to best communicate the benefits of Medical Cannabis via simple and easy to digest diagrams. We often do two versions of the same image… one for medical professionals and one for lay people. They both communicate the same data but do so in an appropriate way for each audience.

The first image lists the actions of certain cannabinoids found in cannabis.
Have a go sliding the centre line from left to right. It’s the same information but a different image.

The second image lists actions associated with terpenes, another medically relevant chemical found in cannabis.
list-of-actions-associated-with-the-terpenes-b list-of-actions-associated-with-the-terpenes-a

There is still so much to learn about Medical Cannabis… here’s hoping this is just the beginning of a natural and much more beneficial medical revolution.

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