Time goes faster the older you get (because you have experienced a lot of time already) but something happens to the passage of time when you are engrossed in a project you love.

Now that it’s winter I’m doing more indoor activities and I found I was spending too much time living in my phone. Candy Crush is great fun but not when it’s the only game you play for days and it comes at the price of talking to people in your life.

I made a conscious effort to do more ‘out of my phone’ activities and started doing puzzles again. Puzzles are AWESOME! I know I’m a bit of a nerd but they really are. The great thing about doing puzzles is that if someone else is in the room they will invariably sit at the table and start puzzling. Conversation begins… it’s wonderful.

I get really stuck in and on a few occasions I have said to myself ‘I’ll just to 10 minutes of puzzling and then go to bed.” It seems as though 5 minutes has passed when I check the time on my phone and BAM… 3 hours has passed and it’s 2am. Where the f#@k did the time go? Puzzles are very immersive and they can chew up quite a bit of time – very effortlessly as well.

Time can also pass quickly doing stuff on your phone but it’s not as social nor does it have many benefits.

Time is going to pass wether you are watching TV, playing games on your phone, chasing down imaginary cartoon creatures, playing games in real life or just sitting on the couch. We don’t want to wish our lives away but we might as well make a conscience effort to make sure we are doing something relaxing, enjoyable and with a social element. Try living outside of your phone for 5 minutes… it can be really fun 😛

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