#adrawingaday #vintagetoys

Who hasn’t had a Barbie doll? People born before 1959 perhaps 😛 Barbie was created by businesswoman Ruth Handler and released by the toy company Matell Inc. Barbie was based on a German doll called Bild Lilli and the likeness is striking. Regardless of her origins, Barbie went on to be a global powerhouse and as recently as a couple of weeks ago the company launched its Role Models Collection ♥ These new Barbie dolls feature inspiring women like Frida Kahlo, Amelia Earhart and Katherine Johnson. Barbie is now diverse and inspiring and it’s about bloody time.

Below is a vintage Bild Lilli, it’s not lost on me that her best accessory is a poodle ♥

Here are three of the awesome new Barbie Role Models… Amelia Earhart, Frida Kahlo, and Katherine Johnson… there are many more.

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