by cectimm | Feb 5, 2015 | drawing, my work
What I’m drawing today Pencils + Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper
by cectimm | Feb 4, 2015 | drawing, my work
What I’m drawing today Pencils + Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper
by cectimm | Feb 3, 2015 | lil' wendy, my work
[su_button url=”/my-work/the-great-adventures-of-lil-wendy/” background=”#fc1581″ size=”5″ icon=”icon: plus-circle”]See ALL of Lil’ Wendy’s story[/su_button] [su_button...
by cectimm | Jan 31, 2015 | drawing, my work
What I’m drawing today Pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper
by cectimm | Jan 30, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek I recently put together an IKEA kitchen (yes I said kitchen) with my brother-in-law… it was a MASSIVE job and it took us quite a while to do it. I did learn a very valuable lesson… just follow the bloody instructions. Ikea has been...
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