a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO Apparently, this little blue beach shack lives somewhere in Victoria. One of the more simple and basic examples of Australia’s fading love affair with the humble fibro house. Also, the sky isn’t always blue in...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 13

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO Not all fibro’s are houses or stores… there is another classic, the Australian outhouse or dunny. A friend of mine is a builder of beautiful high-end bespoke homes and he will be on a building site for up to a year. Instead...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 12

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO I was recently on the phone to a client and the conversation turned to where we grew up. We grew up very close to each other despite the fact that she now lives in Queensland. She said she grew up in a fibro house and I asked her for her...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 11

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO Waterfront fibro shacks not only line the coastline of Australia, they also grace our rivers and lakes. This beauty with its turquoise details and bright orange trim typifies life by the water in the bush in Australia. They may be...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 10

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO I have no idea where this beautiful home is located… I found it by searching google images. As with yesterday’s drawing, this house also has a built-in carport. It seems this was a desirable feature at the time of design....
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 9

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO This sweet little pink trimmed fibro house looks like its straight out of the 1950’s. The older unmodernised fibro houses often have stripy awnings and their owners were not afraid of bright colours 😛 This home with a built-in...