a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO This Avalon beach shack is so simple and humble with its multicoloured window frames and sea of grasses swaying in the coastal breeze. It sums up everything wonderful about the good old days of having a little shack by the beach…...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 7

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO I found the reference photo of this beauty on a website called Modernist Australia. They were highlighting this beautiful mint green fibro shack that once lived among similar houses but was then in 2014 being swamped by big buildings and...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 6

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO Not all fibro’s are houses. This little country shop is somewhere in outback Victoria ♥ I love the fact that this little simple and very basic shop is highlighted with pink trimmings. Too cute for words. It seems there is a...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 5

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO The great Aussie fibro was often a beach shack with great views nestled in the bush by the coast. So many beautiful little beach houses where families celebrated hot Christmases and long sweaty summer holidays filled with lawn cricket...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 4

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO This sweet little house in Oyster Bay has just been knocked down. It had a similarly cute neighbour painted a bright apricot. I assume they have been removed to make way for more overdevelopment 🙁 The block has been pretty barren for as...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 3

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO A pastel box of pure Australian fibro joy ♥ I love the sweet colours of some of the more lovingly maintained fibro houses. Small country towns still have many more fibro homes than in the suburbs… there are none left in the...