a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Common Myna bird has been named “The Most Important Pest/Problem” threatening the Australian ecosystem. Native to Asia, this omnivorous bird is territorial and combative and has thrived in urban environments around Australia....
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 8

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Red Wattlebird is the second largest honeyeater native to Australia and is found right across the southern part of the continent. It is noisy and has a reddish wattle on the side of its neck. It has greyish-brownish feathers on its body...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 7

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS Introduced into Australia in the mid-1800’s the Spotted Turtle-dove is a grey-headed, pinkish pigeon with a black spotted collar that is rapidly spreading and quickly becoming a common pest. They are small for a pigeon and they have...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 6

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Pied Currawong is a mostly black bird with bright yellow eyes. They have little patches of white in their tails and a small patch near the tip of each wing only visible when in flight. Both male and female Currawongs look similar but...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 5

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS I adore the Australian King Parrot ♥ Endemic to eastern Australian all the way from northern Queensland to the southern tip of Victoria. I have been lucky enough to have a pair of King Parrots visit my garden for years. The male of...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 4

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The red-whiskered bulbul also known as the crested bulbul is not often mistaken for any other species of Australian bird. It’s spiky black crest, white cheeks and splash of red whiskers make it stand out from the flock. These birds are...