#greatideas @DAVID_LYNCH #HappinessIsInTheDoing

I love this video on so many different levels…

    1. It’s David Lynch talking about creativity and where it comes from. He is so incredibly creative and prolific and his advice is so simple yet wise.
    2. The illustrations are so beautiful and they enrich your understanding of David’s soothing words.
    3. The colour pallet is just divine… love, love, love ♥
    4. David debunks the myth that suffering is a necessary part of the creative process… hoo-bloody-ray!

Spend 2:33 minutes watching something beautiful that will help you better understand the creative process.

[su_quote]“Ideas are like fish and you don’t make the fish, you catch the fish”. – David Lynch[/su_quote]

The beautiful animation is done by Jackie Lay & you can follow David Lynch on Twitter.
This video is hosted on The Atlantic

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