a drawing a day ::: november 2018 ::: day 30

a drawing a day ::: november 2018 ::: day 30

#adrawingaday #AlbumArt With Christmas fast approaching I could not do this theme without doing a Christmas album. The only problem is that I couldn’t decide which one… so I chose 3! Ella Wishes You a Swinging Christmas was released in 1960. The beautiful...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 9

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO This sweet little pink trimmed fibro house looks like its straight out of the 1950’s. The older unmodernised fibro houses often have stripy awnings and their owners were not afraid of bright colours 😛 This home with a built-in...
a drawing a day ::: may 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: may 2018 ::: day 14

#adrawingaday #wallpaperasart Unlike the 1970’s, the 1950’s was bright + bold + colourful ♥ Geometric shapes and simple designs dominated the domestic landscape. Beautiful flowers and simple motifs adorned wallpaper + crockery + furnishings +...