a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 18

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 18

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 Chupa Chups are a huge part of the language of sugar from my childhood. I loved Chupa Chups and remember the excitement of...
a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 18

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 14

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 I don’t really rate Valentine’s Day… never have really regardless of whether I’m single or not. I...