a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 8

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Red Wattlebird is the second largest honeyeater native to Australia and is found right across the southern part of the continent. It is noisy and has a reddish wattle on the side of its neck. It has greyish-brownish feathers on its body...
a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 28

a drawing a day ::: september 2018 ::: day 28

#adrawingaday #australianFIBRO When you Google “fibro house” an image of this house appears within a few scrolls. It’s a popular example of a modernised great Aussie fibro house. All I can glean about the location of this cute as a button house is...
a drawing a day ::: july 2018 ::: day 18

a drawing a day ::: july 2018 ::: day 18

#adrawingaday #whatwouldFRIDAwear I think Mexican women are onto something with these Huipil tops… cool cotton that sits away from the body but is still feminine and pretty. Red and yellow make such a great colour contrast ♥ If you would like to purchase...
a drawing a day ::: july 2018 ::: day 18

a drawing a day ::: july 2018 ::: day 7

#adrawingaday #whatwouldFRIDAwear Frida’s choice of accessories was inspired, beautiful and in this case a little bit humorous. I have no idea who made this necklace but it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen… and I used to make jewellery. A...
a drawing a day ::: may 2018 ::: day 16

a drawing a day ::: may 2018 ::: day 16

#adrawingaday #wallpaperasart Floral designs dominate wallpaper designs. A pop of colour on one wall or more can really lift a room. I love this design and I think it would look great in any room. I have no idea of the origins of this pattern as it appeared on flickr...