by cectimm | Jun 27, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #succulentdreams I adore the reds and pinks in these cute little grafted cacti. I had one of these when I was a kid… it was my second succulent after killing my stone plant with too much love. It’s coming to the end of the month and I think...
by cectimm | Jun 26, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #succulentdreams Not all succulents are smooth… some come with an inbuilt defence mechanism. These long spikes hurt… BAD. The soft flesh of the plant sits pretty under so many long hard and dangerous spines. I found the source image in google...
by cectimm | Jun 17, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #succulentdreams Another weird and wonderful variety of the succulent plant family is Euphorbia obesa. This subtropical species is thornless and comes from South Africa. It is often called the Baseball plant due to its round bulbous shape when young but...
by cectimm | Jun 15, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #succulentdreams There are so many weird and wonderful varieties of succulent plants… I recently saw someone looking for an unusual plant ion a Facebook group and it was one I hadn’t seen or heard of before… tephrocactus geometricus. It...
by cectimm | Jun 8, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #succulentdreams I love how succulent plants can be round and squishy and then some of them have massive death spikes to protect themselves. Some could actually take an eye out. I adore the sunset colours in the spikes on this plant, source image was...
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