by cectimm | Jul 21, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #whatwouldFRIDAwear Not all of Frida’s clothes were fancy and showy. She must have had clothes that she wore around the house. This top is a bit more hippy-dippy than her usual garb but the colourful detail and embroidery make it oh so Frida. She...
by cectimm | Jul 3, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #whatwouldFRIDAwear This is just one of Frida’s many Huipil tops. This is a traditional garment worn by indigenous women from Mexico and Central America. It is the most common traditional female indigenous garment still used today. Frida’s...
by cectimm | Mar 24, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #vintagetoys Spinning tops have been around for millennia… originally made out of wood, sometimes with an iron tip, they were set into motion with a coiled rope or string that spun the top when pulled. When I was a kid they were made of tin and had...
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