by cectimm | Feb 6, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek Half way through January, I decided to do a drawing each day. Some days I spend an hour doodling and others more than two hours. It has been rather wonderful to make the time to practice looking and seeing 🙂 During this practice I have realised...
by cectimm | Jan 30, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek I recently put together an IKEA kitchen (yes I said kitchen) with my brother-in-law… it was a MASSIVE job and it took us quite a while to do it. I did learn a very valuable lesson… just follow the bloody instructions. Ikea has been...
by cectimm | Jan 29, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated, or we struggle to find our true purpose, but as long as we’re doing SOMETHING it’s ok… just don’t give up and do NOTHING. You never know, maybe while you’re doing something...
by cectimm | Jan 23, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek I’m doing a really strict elimination diet at the moment… to once-and-for-all figure out what I can and can’t eat. Sigh. It really sucks and I have to constantly qualify that it’s a proper hospital/doctor prescribed diet...
by cectimm | Jan 16, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek My sister gave her boyfriend and his daughter a ukulele lesson while they holidayed in Hawaii – one of the first lessons they were taught is that a ukulele is NOT a little guitar. Mind blown. I am not a musician (obviously) and this was news...
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