by cectimm | Mar 28, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #vintagetoys “Felix the Cat The Wondeful Wonderful Cat Whenever he gets in a fix he reaches into his bag of trix Felix the the cat The wonderful wonderful cat You’ll laugh so much your sides will ache your heart will go pitter pat Watching...
by cectimm | Mar 21, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #vintagetoys Who doesn’t like a symbol bashing monkey! Monkeys have been entertaining humans for the longest time, in many different ways ♥ This toy is a plastic replica of an old fashioned wind-up tin toy and I’m sure it brings joy to...
by cectimm | Mar 16, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #vintagetoys This wonderful boy on a tricycle is made in the Czech Republic and is a replica of a vintage German tin toy from the 1960’s. These remakes of vintage classics bring the timeless beauty and elegance of vintage toys to a new generation...
by cectimm | Mar 9, 2018 | drawing, my work
#adrawingaday #vintagetoys There are many strange vintage toys… some too weird to draw. In my search through the strange and bizarre I came across a lot of tin wind-up toys and while I never had one like this very cute ladybug, I can only imagine the joy they...
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