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A friend of mine shared a great story on Facebook (thanks Anu), and it really hit home (see video below). We all think that one day when we have time, or enough money we will do something to help the needy… Tejinder Pal Singh is a Taxi Driver in Darwin who cooks for the needy one Sunday a month. He an his son Navdeep cook kilos of fresh food, and deliver them from the back of their van to anyone in need. He refers to his religion stating that people should give 10% of their income to help the needy… what a delicious idea.

Mr Singh funds this food drive himself and has turned down offers of money, instead offering his van for people wanting do to the same good work. He also speaks of the energy he gets from doing this… I need some more energy, so maybe this is how I’ll get it.

No matter how rich, poor, busy or lazy we are… each and every one of us could donate 10% of our income, time or love to people in need. I find this story immensely inspirational and am pondering what I can give.

I’m sure that in doing more for others we will eventually worry less about ourselves… surely this can only be a good thing.

John Oliver recently did a story about evangelists in America (and I’m sure it is common practice world wide) that insist parishioners give money, often calling it seeding (planting seeds for your soul). He highlighted the hypocrisy of these organisations and how they prey on the weak to fund their ridiculously extravagant lifestyles. Watch his story below and see for yourself how crazy this practice is…
[youtube id=”5IMAoeklyqY” maxwidth=”1000″]

Perhaps instead of giving to organised religion we could all cut out the middle men and give straight to those in need. What a wonderful world it would be 🙂
[youtube id=”E2VCwBzGdPM” maxwidth=”1000″]

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