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This week I had to visit a very dear loved one in hospital and I was walking there with my sister. She said ‘can we walk through the garden?’ I was about to say the same thing… we are both wired the same way.

Regardless of where you are walking, if you have the choice between a dirty dusty footpath or green space of any shape or description then choose the green space. We are often so caught up in what we are doing and where we are going that we forget to make small steps to improve our journey (this is the correct use of the word journey*). We often let our drive for efficiency get in the way of making our lives better.

Take a moment when you’re next in transit and see if you can take a path less concrete 🙂

*the overuse of the word ‘journey’ drives me nuts. New-age types have grossly overused it and I now have difficulty using it to describe “an act of travelling from one place to another” which is in fact the actual dictionary meaning of the word.

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