My mother lives very much in the RIGHT NOW and I love this about her. She keeps us all young with her exciting plans and adventurous spirit. She’s always up for a party, an exhibition or anything fun and spontaneous (including throwing plates off a two story balcony).
Recently she was making arrangements for us all to go and visit Sculptures by the Sea and she said ‘this is a once in a lifetime experience’. Someone in the room said ‘no it’s not, it’s on every year’ and I got to thinking… and they were wrong. Every day, every experience and every thing we ever do is a once in a lifetime experience… we will never have that exact same experience again no matter how routine or mundane our lives become.
Even if we went to visit Sculptures by the Sea every day that it was on, it would still be a unique experience each time… especially if we approach it with fresh eyes and without expectations. Perhaps this is why hippies in cashmere sweaters are always telling us to live in the now… because now IS once in a lifetime.
Make the most of every second and enjoy it wether you’re sitting on the couch, commuting to work or skydiving without a back up parachute.

My crew at Sculptures by the Sea 2015
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