#WhatILearntThisYear #WhatILearntThisWeek
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For many years I wrote long lists of resolutions that I never fully completed and finding these lists unfulfilled made me feel like a failure. I decided to change something and at the beginning of 2015 I said “NO MORE RESOLUTIONS”! Instead I decided to start my own new tradition and began sharing one lesson I learnt each week with the world.

I didn’t prepare these in advance… it really was some kind of revelatory thought I had each week and regardless of wether it was read or shared by anyone I really got something out of marking each week with a lesson learnt.

In the end it was about practicing mindfulness. Taking a moment in my week to either come up with something amazing I had learnt that week or choose from a massive list of lessons learnt… take the time to fit it into a short and concise sentence… get out my paper and makers to draw it up… scan it in and make it into a jpg file… write it up and explain what it is I meant… share it with everyone or no one… this in itself was an act of mindfulness.

In a way it was a weekly reflection, a moment to stop time from just passing me by and meditate on my week, my mind, my heart and my feelings. It has been bloody lovely.

I have received some wonderful feedback on some posts (both privately and publicly) and criticism and ridicule for the occasional typo (both privately and publicly) – both of which I’ve taken on the chin. This project hasn’t really been about what other people think (although that can be lovely) it’s been about sharing my thoughts kind of for my own sake.

So maybe instead of writing out a long list of resolutions you could make just one resolution… practice some kind of mindfulness in 2016. It might be walking, running, napping, laughter yoga, mediation, prayer, journaling, practicing gratitude, therapy, wine with girlfriends, a chat to your mum, spending time with your dog, leaving your phone at home, drawing, writing, nude bush walking, base jumping… whatever your mindfulness drug of choice is make a point of stopping your crazy busy day-to-day life and be alone with your mind, take a breath and maybe you too will find some clarity and happiness… at least it worked for me 😛

Happy New 2016… may your year by filled with laughter, mindfulness and lots and lots of joy xo

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