Perhaps harking back to an earlier #WhatILearntThisWeek post – week 37 – referring to people not believing that they deserve good things… this belief of little self-worth goes on to inform what people dream for themselves.

Any great success starts with a dream. Even someone buying a lottery ticket has a dream… and one in a billion players do win (for some reason it’s never me). A dream does not mean success… the dream is the first step in a long long journey. A dream is just the beginning… but without the dream you can’t succeed.

A lot of people won’t even allow themselves to dream big or otherwise. The lack of dreamability is a sign of a depressed soul. If someone believes they don’t deserve good things or success of any kind, they will never allow themselves to dream at all.

Try to put your feelings about yourself aside and come up with a big dream and work towards it. Put that dream up on your bedroom wall, office door, phone lock screen or computer desktop. Write a plan of what you need to do to get there and start taking baby steps. It doesn’t matter if it takes you a month or five years to get to your dream… if you don’t allow yourself to dream it then you will never be able to realise  your dream.

A dream could be as simple as a holiday to Hawaii, a small home based business or global domination… it’s up to you how big or small your dream should be… but commit to a dream and start doing the work.

There are a lot of arsehats out there with less talent than you who have had experienced raging success. There is no fixed rule stating who deserves and who doesn’t deserve success… just start working towards yours and make the magic happen.

You never know, with enough time, hard work and determination you might just get there. DREAM BIG PEOPLE!

Get in touch via Twitter, Instagram or by email 🙂
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