a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS Who doesn’t love the Sulfur-crested Cockatoo! The Aussie Cocky is a large white cockatoo native to Australia, New Guinea and some Indonesian islands. These very confident white parrots have a large greyish-blackish bill, a distinctive...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 14

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Silvereye, white eye or wax-eye bird is a very small omnivorous bird found in Australia and New Zealand. Easily identified by a ring of white feathers around its eyes, this bird has interesting plumage variations. Combinations of grey,...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 13

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS New Holland Honeyeaters are mostly black and white with a large yellow wing patch and yellow sides on their tails. They have white eyes and thin white whiskers at the base of their bills. Both sexes look very similar with the girls being a...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 12

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS Kookaburras are so Australian. There are few sounds more iconically Australian than the call of the Kookaburra at dawn and dusk. They are terrestrial tree kingfishers native to Australia and New Guinea. Its colouring is also instantly...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 11

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS Instantly recognisable by its very long downcurved bill and energetic flying style that displays its white outer tail feathers, the Eastern Spinebill is another stunning honeyeater native variety to Australia. It is found in south-eastern...
a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: october 2018 ::: day 10

#adrawingaday #aussieBIRDS The Grey Butcherbird with its black crown, face and back with a thin white collar is native to Australia. Its wings are grey and it has a white underbelly. It lives in arid, semi-arid and temperate areas across the continent. Its large grey...