a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas I want to be free with my creativity ♥ I am very calculated with my artwork. Everything is planned precisely and I labour over ideas long before pencil or brush meets paper. I admire the freedom of the masters like Henri...
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 25

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas Word peace ♥ Peace on earth ♥ An end to all wars ♥ Universal love ♥ Give peace a chance I know this is a long shot and it’s not likely to ever happen but I wish with all of my heart that one...
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 24

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas I adore Matryoshka dolls ♥ You may also know them as Babushka, nesting or Russian nesting dolls. A doll within a doll, within a doll. What’s not to love. I love the more unusual Matryoshka dolls… the brightly...
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 23

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas I really love music and I listen to loads of podcasts. A lot of the time I’m on my own but when I’m around people it’s great to have a headphone option. My Beats are getting a bit old and let’s face it wires...
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 22

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas We play a lot of games in our family… Canasta, Escoba, Tantrix and Kings Corners to name a few ♥ We have never played Cards Against Humanity and apparently it’s hilarious. I think we need this to take our gameplay...
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 21

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas I love jewellery but I’m not really a Michale Hill kind of gal. I like my jewellery a little bit more bespoke and artsy and there’s nothing cuter than this gorgeous pencil shaving necklace by Victoria Mason Collections....