what i learnt this Year 2017

what i learnt this Year 2017

#WhatILearntThisWeek #WhatILearntThisYear I have realised that I am an open book. Most of me is on full display and I don’t have a lot of hang-ups when it comes to subject matter… well I do have some, but not as many as most. I like to share stories and...
what i learnt this week :: WEEK 17

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 17

#WhatILearntThisWeek It’s funny the things you can learn about yourself by loving someone else. I take the role of aunty very seriously. I have read studies that confirm the importance of an alternative strong female role model in a young girl’s life and I...
what i learnt this week :: WEEK 16

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 16

#WhatILearntThisWeek I consider myself to be a very non-judgemental person. I really believe that I accept people for what they are. Having said this I was recently sitting in a cafe and a strange and slightly scary man who lives in my area approached the outside...