what i learnt this week :: WEEK 10

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 10

#WhatILearntThisWeek There are days that anything that can go wrong goes to shit… it’s hard to maintain my trademark positivity on such days and I now have a new mantra to get me through. When all else fails and everything is turning to crap I repeat ‘Murphy Sucks’....
what i learnt this week :: WEEK 9

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 9

#WhatILearntThisWeek Recently I’ve been noticing that the older I get, the more I get out of hanging with my girlfriends (this includes sisters & mums as well). I’ve always held my girlfriends in high esteem but I now realise that they are an essential...
what i learnt this week :: WEEK 7

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 7

#WhatILearntThisWeek In the eighties I really loved Billy Joel. We all listened to his music as a family and on our own… on high rotation. His shinny, blue fold-out vinyl album got quite the work out in our house! He was a supremely talented musician and he was...