
a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 30

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 30

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I really want to reduce my impact on the environment ♥ This is something we could and should do but it can feel a bit pointless sometimes. You may go out of the way to do the right thing but what is everyone else doing? Are they even trying? A the end of the day it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing to or for the environment. We can only control our contribution and that is what I am going to focus on in the new year. I hope my small part can make an accumulative difference over time.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 27

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 27

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I adore interesting and unusual jewellery and with a trip to Chile in my very near future, I am looking forward to finding some beautiful pieces ♥ I am really looking forward to finding some handmade Mapuche jewellery in the south of Chile. The Mapuche are an indigenous culture from the south of Chile and Argentina. Their jewellery is made from silver and is made from tubes, small beads, plates and chains. Watch this space for purchase updates 😛 
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 24

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 24

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I adore Matryoshka dolls ♥ You may also know them as Babushka, nesting or Russian nesting dolls. A doll within a doll, within a doll. What’s not to love. I love the more unusual Matryoshka dolls… the brightly coloured, quirky character and bespoke kind. This is doll #2 of a 3 doll set that includes a racoon, panda and penguin. So cute. I can’t get enough of these quirky little creatures.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 21

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 21

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love jewellery but I’m not really a Michale Hill kind of gal. I like my jewellery a little bit more bespoke and artsy and there’s nothing cuter than this gorgeous pencil shaving necklace by Victoria Mason Collections. Considering I use pencils every day and generate pencils shavings at an alarming rate there really is no better match for me than this Sharpening Necklace ♥ It’s on my must-have for 2019. Divine!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 18

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 18

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I haven’t tried these but I really want them… Viviva colour sheets ♥ Unlike other watercolour paint pallets, they are flat sheets with watercolour pigment on them that you can pick up with a water-filled brush. They look like loads of fun and come in a beautiful array of colours. They take paint portability to the next level. Anything that makes art accessible and easy is a great thing.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 15

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 15

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love Lego but I don’t really build it nowadays. I have seen these awesome Lego storage boxes and I think they would look super awesome in my studio ♥ Pink + Storage… what else does a girl need?

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 12

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 12

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I always have brightly coloured toenails ♥ It’s kind of my thing. It’s very strange for me to head out into the world with naked toes. When I was in Hawaii I got one bottle of Pop nail polish and it has been the longest lasting and brilliantly bright polish I’ve ever had. I only redo my toenails when they’ve grown out too much to look pretty anymore as it doesn’t chip. I have tried to buy them online but they always sell out of the best colours or they won’t post to Australia. So feel free to buy, send or give me the best bright, fluoro or out there coloured nail polish. Life is too short to be boring 😛

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 9

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 9

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I don’t use anti ageing products or skin products for mature skin but I was given a sample of this Sisley cream and without knowing anything about it I started using it. IT WAS AMAZING ♥ After a couple of days my skin was amazing… super soft, even and firm. This cream smells so beautiful it’s a joy to use. I need to sell a lot of drawings in the new year to get my hands on a tub of this. It’s truly beautiful and totally worth it… because, I’m worth it LOL!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 6

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 6

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I know this sounds a bit greedy but I want more pencils. I have loads of pencils… probably more than most. For my birthday this year, I got the full set of Prismacolor pencils that I have used every day this year. I love having the full complement of colours at my disposal but being the greedy guts that I am… I WANT MORE. I’m hungry for the full set of Faber Castell Polychromos pencils as the colours are slightly different and the texture of the lead is more oily making it easier to blend. When it comes to pencils, I am a megalomaniac… I WANT THEM ALL ♥
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 3

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 3

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love music… it’s no secret. I have recently been wanting to listen to music (and my podcasts) in more places. While I have a Sonos in my office I want a more portable solution. My bro-in-law recently got an Ultimate Ears Boom 3 and it’s really cool. Super portable, wireless, 360 sound, waterproof and drop proof. Considering how often I drop things, this is the speaker for me. I also love the idea that I can chuck it in the pool ♥ How gorgeous is this colour ultraviolet purple.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

I love animals v’s the Melbourne Cup

I love animals v’s the Melbourne Cup

I’m no vegan, but I do believe that we need to treat animals much better. I can’t imagine early humans imagined we would evolve into a modern civilisation that worships the cruel mistreatment of sentient beings like horses. I like to party at work, just like any good old Aussie, but I don’t like to partake in the mistreatment of horses. I’ll be having a boozeless lunch in a food court on Melbourne Cup Day.

Say nup to the cup!

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 29

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 29

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love a good puzzle… they’re good for the soul, a great opportunity to spend time alone or catch up with family and friends and they help me practice my observation and memory skills. So much good can come out of a simple puzzle. Basically getting a photo and chopping it up into pieces is an excellent way to challenge yourself ♥ Here’s to more puzzle time in 2019!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 26

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I want to be free with my creativity ♥ I am very calculated with my artwork. Everything is planned precisely and I labour over ideas long before pencil or brush meets paper. I admire the freedom of the masters like Henri Matisse (this is based on his 1953 work La Gerbe) who could create free organic shapes with no desire to represent real life. I wish to be able to create more unconsciously and less methodically… here’s to letting go in the new year.
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 23

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 23

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I really love music and I listen to loads of podcasts. A lot of the time I’m on my own but when I’m around people it’s great to have a headphone option. My Beats are getting a bit old and let’s face it wires are so 2008. How amazing is it to zone out and lose yourself in the moment, the music… you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to… I digress ♥ How cool are these Bose QuietComfort 35 wireless headphones in silver… what a great way to lose yourself in the music. VIVA music!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 20

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 20

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

Despite the fact that I’m allergic to caffeine, I love coffee ♥ I drink decaf coffee and I can no longer bring myself to use my Nespresso pods. I feel guilty about the aluminium pods even though I have always recycled them. I really want a proper coffee machine even if it’s a small one. It doesn’t make sense in boiling an espresso maker pot on the stove for just one cup. Imagine all of the coffee art I could do LOL.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 17

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 17

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love my Pantone cups ♥ I have a few different colours. This year’s Pantone colour has just been released and it’s 16-1546 Living Coral. What a gorgeous golden shade of orange. It’s hard to capture the colour with coloured pencils so I’ve tried to blend a few. I guess when I eventually get my own cup I’ll know how close I got it 😛

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 14

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 14

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

This one is a bit traditional and perhaps a bit boring but I like soap ♥ Not all soap though… I have a bunch of allergies and I hate smelly cosmetic products so I have a pension for luxury natural soaps that don’t have a lot of fragrance. Sheep and goats milk bars of soap are so creamy and moisturising and my dry sensitive skin really loves them. Thinking green, imagine if everyone used natural soap wrapped in paper… the impact of the bottles used for liquid soap on the environment is tremendous. Let’s all make our way back to bar soap… let’s make soap great again!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 11

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 11

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I want a pile of money ♥ I don’t often bow down at the altar of money but with a big family trip coming up I really do want a big fat pile of money 😛 It’s not that I want an endless pit of money to spend for the rest of my life, I just want to have an awesome holiday and to be able to indulge in a few cultural experiences. While money does not make you happy, it does afford you freedom and I want to have a free and awesome and happy holiday! I will be buying a lottery ticket… just in case.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 8

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 8

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I’m not as into jewellery now as I once was but I still love earrings. I adore stud earrings and I always want just a couple more. In stark contrast to my youth, I now love small earrings and it’s often a case of the smaller the better ♥ I can’t get the super cheap ones as I’m allergic to most metals so I have to get Sterling Silver or Stainless Steel. I am amassing a pretty good collection of cute studs.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 5

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 5

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

This is a pretty common desire ♥ I do have an iPad but it’s old and it’s not great for drawing. I am dying to get an iPad Pro with the pencil so I can draw straight into the iPad. I see a lot of artists working in this manner and I really want to start doing a lot of my prep work straight into a device… it would save a couple of steps on every project. Heres to more creativity… and maybe a few games as well 😛
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 2

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 2

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I want more original artworks in my life, hanging on my walls, feeding my eyes and filling my mind with joy. There is a magic that comes from living with original art – not prints – that is hard to describe. I want to fill my home with beautiful works by Australian artists. Perhaps my favourite painting in 2018 is Queenstown, Tasmania by Christian Bonett (62 x 72 cm oil on board). It was a finalist in the Wynne Prize 2018. I love the gorgeous areas of flat colour and the beautiful clean colour pallet ♥

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 31

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 31

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

Joie de vivre ♥ This French phrase is often used to express the cheerful enjoyment of life. This is going to be my motto in 2019… OMG, WHEN DID IT BECOME 2019?!? WTF! If you need me I’ll be rocking back and forth in the corner. This expression of spirit is a reminder to appreciate and enjoy the little things in life… to find beauty and joy in the mundane, pedestrian, dark and even difficult times. We all need to reach down into our hearts and pull out a little bit of joy for us to experience and share. Viva joy!
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 28

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 28

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I dream of having an office setup that fits me just right ♥ I can’t sit or stand for long periods of time because of foot and leg pain. My life would be so much better if I had an amazing office setup where my legs could be elevated for big chunks of time. How sweet it would be!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 25

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 25

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

Word peace ♥ Peace on earth ♥ An end to all wars ♥ Universal love ♥ Give peace a chance

I know this is a long shot and it’s not likely to ever happen but I wish with all of my heart that one day people will stop hating and start loving each other.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a heart brimming with love ♥

This is inspired by Picasso’s peace dove… I love the simplicity of this bird as love and peace is really that simple.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 22

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 22

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

We play a lot of games in our family… Canasta, Escoba, Tantrix and Kings Corners to name a few ♥ We have never played Cards Against Humanity and apparently it’s hilarious. I think we need this to take our gameplay to the next level LOL. We all need to play more games!
If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 19

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 19

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I listen to a lot of podcasts and a heap of music and I want to keep listening when I get into the shower. I want to have – if they are available – a waterproof and wireless blue tooth speaker/clock-radio so I can play my tunes and keep my showers short so I can do my bit for the environment ♥ How handy would that be! Duf duf in the shower.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 16

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 16

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love almost anything pink and I really love poodles ♥ I came across this gorgeous night light online that looks like a poodle balloon animal and it’s an amazing pink. How awesome would this look lit up at night! I would love a gigantic version of this as a sculpture in my home. Viva pink poodles!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 13

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 13

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

Pins Pins Pins ♥ I love pins! I have a denim jacket that has so many pins on it that it’s becoming quite heavy. I made this jacket because I wanted to… I always wanted a denim jacket with loads of pins on the front. This jacket has kind of taken on a life of its own and I often get stopped in the street by people wanting to talk about the jacket and a few have offered to buy it. I still want more pins though… there are so many great ones and I don’t have any of these cool ones yet. Viva la pins!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 10

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 10

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

Those who know me well, know that I love to cook. Home cooking is always best. I love soft tortillas and I always have some ready to go but I would like to make my own. I don’t really see myself rolling out every tortilla and I love the idea of having a tortilla maker. You plop a ball of dough in the centre and splat, squash it down into the perfect thin tortilla ready for cooking ♥ What a brilliant adventure.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 7

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 7

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

When I planned to draw this poster (I found the reference image in Google Images) I had hope that the crossbench was in with a chance of effecting change for the refugees currently being abused by the Australian Government. Yesterday our “prime minister” Scomo (my mother calls him Scamo) closed parliament early to block any chance of the refugees being released from their endless hell on Nauru. I applaud the efforts of the independents led by Professor Kerryn Phelps to end their suffering. Here’s hoping their nightmares will end soon.

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 4

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 4

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

I love whisky – and that’s a good thing because I can’t drink any other alcohol… at least not without serious food intolerance consequences. There are so many different whiskeys out there for me to try. I haven’t tried Lark whiskey yet but I’d like to. There are a lot of great Tasmanian whiskeys available now… and it’s not just a hipster thing. I intend to make 2019 the year of new whiskeys ♥ I’ll take mine with two ice cubes thanks. Bottoms up!

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 1

a drawing a day ::: december 2018 ::: day 1

#adrawingaday #AllIWantForChristmas

With the Silly Season fast approaching, I thought it would be fun to draw all of the things I could ever dream of for Christmas.

I don’t actually like many fragrances… they are always too overpowering or floral [insert choking sound effect]. A few years ago my Godmother bought me a Balenciaga perfume and I was worried that I wouldn’t like it. She was spot on. I adored it and I have worn Balenciaga ever since ♥ After a few years my mum gave me the Balenciaga Florabotanica fragrance I love it just as much. It has become my signature scent. The bottle is so pretty and it adds a nice splash of colour to my bedside table. What is your favourite fragrance?

If you would like to purchase a drawing or commission a portrait, please get in touch.