
Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 7

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 7

Lil Wendy 7

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i think the purpose of life is living…

i think the purpose of life is living…

Nalini Joshi is a very cool and very sweet Maths Professor at Sydney University. I saw her speak on Q&A on the ABC late last year. It was one of the more interesting episodes of Q&A (at least to me) and they also had the very famous Professor Brian Cox on the panel.
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I wish she had been my maths teacher in first year… I might have been inspired to study harder 😛 Here is a short snippet of the discussion about time travel (you can watch the entire episode here>>>)
[youtube id=”GEFB4s4NrPw” maxwidth=”1000″]
I particularly loved Professor Joshi’s statement “I think the purpose of life is living. Every step is worth it.”

We can get lost in finding meaning and purpose in everything and perhaps we should just keep making steps…

a hug

a hug

Happy Valentine’s Day ♥
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I hope all of the lovers (single and hitched) are having a lovely, love filled day ♥

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 7

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 7

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In the eighties I really loved Billy Joel. We all listened to his music as a family and on our own… on high rotation. His shinny, blue fold-out vinyl album got quite the work out in our house! He was a supremely talented musician and he was married to one of the most beautiful women in the world. He seemed to have it all.
The nineties hit and he somehow fell out of favour. I really couldn’t listen to him any more… when I heard one of his songs on the radio I had to switch stations.
Now 20 to 30 years later I’ve noticed his music creeping back into radio playlists and I’ve found myself happily singing along… I’m not about to put Piano Man on repeat for a day… but I have come back around to loving the talent that is Billy Joel 😉

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drawing jewels

drawing jewels

What I’m drawing today
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Pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

sending all my love

sending all my love

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching you might want to send someone a nice little message like this one to let them know that you love them.
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After all… love matters ♥

kiss kiss

kiss kiss

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and there is so much pressure to buy expensive gifts and out-do the un-out-doable.
Why not just send a simple message of love.
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I’m sending out a ‘kiss kiss’ to all of my loved ones today, on Valentine’s Day and every day ♥
Here is some vintage naughties trash for your ear-worm pleasure :p Holly Valance and the 2002 hit ‘Kiss Kiss’.
[youtube id=”6BGAryS37oo” maxwidth=”1000″]

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 6

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 6

Lil Wendy 6

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anything less than the best is a fellony

anything less than the best is a fellony

Some wise words from a beacon of light in the 1990’s…
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Until Vanilla Ice came on the scene, we didn’t even know that white dudes could rap… some hip hop wisdom to start your week. Just remember that you deserve the BEST!

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 6

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 6

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Half way through January, I decided to do a drawing each day. Some days I spend an hour doodling and others more than two hours. It has been rather wonderful to make the time to practice looking and seeing 🙂
During this practice I have realised something… by not thinking about what I’m drawing and just drawing WHAT I SEE and my drawings have really improved. Instead of thinking ‘a hand wouldn’t look like that’ I just draw what I see. It might look a bit odd at first but in the end when all of the pieces are on the paper it works.
So give it a go… turn of your thinking… just draw what you see.
What did you learn this week?

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Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 5

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 5

Lil Wendy 5

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what i learnt this week :: WEEK 5

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 5

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I recently put together an IKEA kitchen (yes I said kitchen) with my brother-in-law… it was a MASSIVE job and it took us quite a while to do it.
I did learn a very valuable lesson… just follow the bloody instructions. Ikea has been making furniture for a long time and have sold millions of pieces of flat-pack furniture. Why is it that we think we know better when it comes to putting them together!
It took me a while but I realised that the only pieces of furniture that I had trouble putting together were the ones I questioned the instructions… so the next time you’re facing a pile of pieces… just follow the instructions and DON’T THINK.
Good luck with that 😛

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what i learnt this week :: WEEK 4

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 4

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Sometimes it’s hard to get motivated, or we struggle to find our true purpose, but as long as we’re doing SOMETHING it’s ok… just don’t give up and do NOTHING. You never know, maybe while you’re doing something – just for the sake of doing something – you might find a new passion or purpose 😛
Keep doing.

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the first street photographer… Vivian Maier

the first street photographer… Vivian Maier

To say that I fell in love with Vivian Maier’s work at first site would be a massive understatement. Despite the amazing story behind her work and the discovery of it, her photographs themselves are amazing.

Long before Humans of New Work and The Sartorialist, in the 1950’s and 1960’s Vivian Maier wondered the streets of Chicago, New York and the world taking amazingly framed and well exposed photographs – a lot of which had never been printed while she was alive. It’s also important to remember that these images have not been cropped or edited, they are as they were taken (no photoshop or iPhone edits here).

Here is just a small sample of her beautiful photographs.

Vivian Maier images 50s and 60s

I hope to own an original print one day… they are gelatin silver prints, 12×12 inches printed on 16×20 inch paper. The price ranges from US$2,000 to US$5,400… so if anyone out there wants to get me one for my birthday then feel free 🙂

If you haven’t already seen it, make a point to see the film Finding Vivian Maier, now available to rent or buy on Amazon.

Here is the trailer…

[youtube id=”2o2nBhQ67Zc” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”1000″]I thought this might be a dry documentary but I ended up really loving it. I will be watching it again… just to see some of the amazing images again.

If you would like to find out more about Vivian Maier and John Maloof who discovered her work amazing body of work, visit

Be inspired to take better photos and tell a story through your images.

equality does not mean you HAVE TO pee on the seat

equality does not mean you HAVE TO pee on the seat

I often wonder if some women are making a statement about equality when they leave pee on public toilet seats… or are they just lazy bitches. I can’t decide… maybe both? Some people – due to injury or disability – cannot hover over a wet toilet seat and are forced to clean up after said lazy bitches… not cool girls, not cool at all.
HEY LADIES equality does not mean you HAVE TO pee on the seat
If you want to make a statement about equality then lift the seat next time you squat… all we have to do now is close the wage gap!

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 4

Lil’ Wendy: 52 week illustration challenge WEEK 4

Lil Wendy 4

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happy straya day 2015

happy straya day 2015

As any true Aussies knows… it’s pronounced “Straya”
Stay safe and have a great Australia Day xo

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 3

what i learnt this week :: WEEK 3

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I’m doing a really strict elimination diet at the moment… to once-and-for-all figure out what I can and can’t eat. Sigh. It really sucks and I have to constantly qualify that it’s a proper hospital/doctor prescribed diet and not what Gwyneth told me to do.
With so few things on the menu it can be hard to NOT kind of hate people who can eat whatever they want with no effects… I see them when I’m walking down the street smugly eating their lunch, oblivious to how good they have it. Bastards.
Tweet out your own lesson using #WhatILearntThisWeek and I’ll publish my favourites 🙂

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i get really excited about making things

i get really excited about making things

I always take note of quotes about creativity, the art of making and the passion required to keep on digging deep into the well of our minds to pull out a gem… perhaps to keep my own passion alive or to remind myself that – at least at times – it is a struggle for every creative, regardless of their chosen field.

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I heard Moby say this in a great short film “Inspiring Creativity – A Liberatum film presented by illy” available to watch on Vimeo and I love how simple it is… so many people speak of creativity as torture or suffering and this perspective is… well, it’s more me 🙂
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The film is an insider’s perspective on inspiration from the minds of leading creative personalities including: Diana Picasso, Academy Award winner Hans Zimmer, Inez van Lamsweerde, Vinoodh Matadin, Academy Award nominee James Franco, Joan Smalls, Johan Lindeberg, Jonas Mekas, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Nico Muhly, Karen Elson, Karim Rashid, Klaus Biesenbach, Academy Award nominee Lee Daniels, Lola Montes Schnabel, Marilyn Minter, Mark Romanek, Tracey Emin, Moby, Paul Schrader, and TED founder Richard Saul Wurman.

Anything that loiters around inspiration is of interest to me… hope you enjoy this small look into the creative minds of some greats.