innovations in science and technology

innovations in science and technology

@TonyAbbottMHR @neiltyson Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a super star of modern science and with his recent trip to Oz he has been gracing our TV screens all week. Yay! He was on QandA at the beginning of the week and The Project at the end of the week. This is why I love...
anybody can be anything if they want it bad enough

anybody can be anything if they want it bad enough

@DefianceWorld Now before the grammar cops arrest me for the way this sentence is constructed… don’t shoot the messenger! Deirdre Lamb is a fictional character who resides in the fantasy future world of the TV Show Defiance. She is super sassy and comes up...
boycott bali

boycott bali

#boycottbali #boycottindonesia I am not a particularly big fan of Bill Shorten (or any pollies) but his words this morning on the ABC rang very true for me. There is no justice. The double standards of Indonesia on the topic of execution sickens me. This is a super...