
drawing an oyster

drawing an oyster

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 03 07 oyster
Inktensive + pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

boycott bali

boycott bali

#boycottbali #boycottindonesia
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I am not a particularly big fan of Bill Shorten (or any pollies) but his words this morning on the ABC rang very true for me.
cectimm andrew chan and myuran sukumaran do not deserve to be ex
There is no justice.
cectimm there is no justice in executing
The double standards of Indonesia on the topic of execution sickens me.
This is a super sad situation and I can’t see how it can be resolved positively.

drawing ithaca

drawing ithaca

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 03 03 Ithaca
Inktensive + pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

drawing the moon

drawing the moon

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 01 03 moon
The moon as found in google images.
Inktensive + pencils + oil crayons + acrylic paint on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

drawing a blue shell

drawing a blue shell

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 28 blue shell
Inktensive + pencils + white Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy

#RIPLeonardNimoy #RIPSpock #RIPWilliamBell
RIP Leonard Nemoy.jpg

He brought a cold and unfeeling character to life and despite Spock’s inability to feel… we certainly loved him.

Leonard (and Spock + William Bell) developed a cult following over the past 83 years. I love Leonard in Star Trek (who wouldn’t love Spock) but I also adore him in the TV series Fringe (2008). If you haven’t watched it… do yourself a favour and get a bit more Leonard into your life (he’s not in every episode but he rocks).

[youtube id=”eVFNNWLCXPo” maxwidth=”1000″]

He was also a poet and it’s sad to see that poetry is one of the arts that is falling out of favour. I love this poem he shared on February 22 via twitter (he was saying goodbye on twitter for a while now)…

You and I
have learned
The song of love,

and we sing it well

The song is ageless
Passed on

Heart to heart
By those
Who have seen
What we see
And known
What we know
And lovers who have
Sung before
Our love is ours
To have
To share

The miracle is this
The more we share…
The more
We have

-Leonard Nimoy

Wise words from a cultural icon “The miracle is, The more we share… The more We have”. Just wonderful.

Rest in peace my Vulcan friend 🙁

drawing a dart board

drawing a dart board

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 15 target practice
Inktensive + Pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

drawing a yellow fish

drawing a yellow fish

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 23 yellow fish
Inktensive + pencils + white Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

drawing a doughnut

drawing a doughnut

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 21 dougnnut
Pencils + Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

drawing baby turtle

drawing baby turtle

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 17 blue baby turtle
Pencils + Posca on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

i think the purpose of life is living…

i think the purpose of life is living…

Nalini Joshi is a very cool and very sweet Maths Professor at Sydney University. I saw her speak on Q&A on the ABC late last year. It was one of the more interesting episodes of Q&A (at least to me) and they also had the very famous Professor Brian Cox on the panel.
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I wish she had been my maths teacher in first year… I might have been inspired to study harder 😛 Here is a short snippet of the discussion about time travel (you can watch the entire episode here>>>)
[youtube id=”GEFB4s4NrPw” maxwidth=”1000″]
I particularly loved Professor Joshi’s statement “I think the purpose of life is living. Every step is worth it.”

We can get lost in finding meaning and purpose in everything and perhaps we should just keep making steps…

a hug

a hug

Happy Valentine’s Day ♥
a hug.jpg

I hope all of the lovers (single and hitched) are having a lovely, love filled day ♥

drawing jewels

drawing jewels

What I’m drawing today
cectimm 2015 02 14 bling
Pencils on Art Spectrum Draw & Wash paper

sending all my love

sending all my love

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching you might want to send someone a nice little message like this one to let them know that you love them.
cectimm sending all my love
After all… love matters ♥

kiss kiss

kiss kiss

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and there is so much pressure to buy expensive gifts and out-do the un-out-doable.
Why not just send a simple message of love.
cectimm kiss kiss
I’m sending out a ‘kiss kiss’ to all of my loved ones today, on Valentine’s Day and every day ♥
Here is some vintage naughties trash for your ear-worm pleasure :p Holly Valance and the 2002 hit ‘Kiss Kiss’.
[youtube id=”6BGAryS37oo” maxwidth=”1000″]

anything less than the best is a fellony

anything less than the best is a fellony

Some wise words from a beacon of light in the 1990’s…
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Until Vanilla Ice came on the scene, we didn’t even know that white dudes could rap… some hip hop wisdom to start your week. Just remember that you deserve the BEST!