a drawing a day ::: march 2018 ::: day 3

a drawing a day ::: march 2018 ::: day 3

#adrawingaday #vintagetoys Kewpie Dolls are so cute yet at the same time, there is something creepy about them ♥ They always remind me of the Easter Show. Kewpie dolls were originally sold as paper cutouts they were made into 3D plastic dolls in 1912 and took...
a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 22

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 22

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 There are few things more refreshing on a stinking hot Sydney day than a Splice. Super yummy creamy ice cream encased in a...
a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 22

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 13

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 Alfajores are a delicious South American sweet made up of a sweet biscuit sandwich filled with manjar blanco (or dulce...
a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 22

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 12

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 Who doesn’t love a Cadbury Cream Egg? I find them a bit too sweet now days but I still eat one or eight every...
a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 22

a drawing a day ::: february 2018 ::: day 11

#adrawingaday #sweetas As it is my birth month I have decided to celebrate all of the sweet treats I love to eat… in moderation of course 😛 As today is my actual birthday I gave myself an easy one 😛 I love a good banana… fruit kind and the lolly kind. I...