by cectimm | Jun 22, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek I know the standard line is ‘don’t talk to strangers’ and it is very good advice for children… however, I am no child. No one would ever say that I am shy… I manage to strike up conversations with strangers in the...
by cectimm | Jun 14, 2015 | my work
#WhatILearntThisWeek I think we are ALL guilty of this one. I know I am. We are all so busy and have so many things vying for our attention that conversation is often sacrificed in the name of efficiency. So often when someone comes to tell us a story, the latest news...
by cectimm | Jun 5, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek I am a firm believer in the importance of our every day language – both to ourselves and to others. Firstly lets tackle the self: we are often so mean to ourselves and we believe (falsely) that this motivates us and pushes us forward....
by cectimm | May 29, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek Don’t take this the wrong way… I love to cook. What I’m talking about here is my choice not to have children. I know times are changing and women’s rights have come a very, very long way but for some reason, people still...
by cectimm | May 22, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek #Survivor You either love or hate Survivor… there seems to be no in-between. I do indeed love the show and my mother and I have watched every season and they just get better and better. There is an overwhelming lesson I have learnt from...
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