by cectimm | Aug 31, 2015 | my mamma said, my work
#MyMammaSaid I love the fact that a caring mother can see all possibilities in their child… if only we as children believed in their vision for us. It can take a lifetime to figure out for ourselves that we can be so much more than we think we can....
by cectimm | Aug 18, 2015 | my mamma said, my work
#MyMammaSaid It wasn’t just Rihanna who sung the praises of the humble umbrella… Denise’s mum also held it in high esteem. Perhaps it was because she knew what rain does to curly hair or maybe she didn’t want her girl to catch a cold. Either...
by cectimm | Aug 11, 2015 | my mamma said, my work
#MyMammaSaid Thanks to a flawed scientific study in the 1950’s, a US army survival manual in 1970 recommended hat use due to the belief that “40 to 45 percent of body heat” is lost from the head. This has since been debunked and current science...
by cectimm | Aug 4, 2015 | my mamma said, my work
#MyMammaSaid This is a fantastic bit of advice that is universal in its appeal and application. All you can do is your best. Problems start when we don’t do our best and then we wonder somewhere in the back of our minds what we could have done to be better. So...
by cectimm | Jul 31, 2015 | my work, what i learnt this week
#WhatILearntThisWeek Although we all know this on some level, there are some lessons we keep learning again and again on deeper levels. Yesterday was my beautiful mother’s birthday. It was a big birthday and lets say it ends in a “0”. We took her out...
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